Creating a Home Workspace

While distance learning, it is important to create a space to effectively learn and do work. It’s crucial to create a place where you can feel productive and professional every day, creating a routine. Below are three tips to create an effective and practical workspace.


  1. Move away from the couch or bed: Creating a workspace that mirrors your school routine can be really important! It is recommended to find a place to work that is solely associated with studies, not sleeping or relaxing.

  2. Keep it organized: Our teachers and administrators are doing a great job of keeping us organized in these crazy times, but distance learning is still a new experience that can be challenging to get used to. Keeping a calendar and an organized workspace can help you to keep control of your studies and schedule.

  3. Remove distractions: Distance learning comes with a new sense of accountability. To help yourself pay full attention in classes try to remove distracting items, such as your phone or other objects, from your workspace to be more productive.


With these tips and a little bit of effort, you can transform part of your home into a workspace to keep you productive and motivated! Check out examples from Cooper students below.