Cross Country: A Team Sport
It’s 6:25 in the morning. The sun has not yet risen and the streetlights are still illuminated, but a few cars begin to creep into the John Cooper student parking lot. Students hop out, weighed down by backpacks and books, and head over to the gym to start their morning workout.
Every Monday and Wednesday, the Cooper cross country team practices before school. Part of the logic behind this decision is avoidance of the brutal heat in the afternoon, as mornings tend to be cooler. Students are also able to go home earlier since they don’t have practice after school.
A typical morning practice might consist of mile repeats on the track or sprints up hills. The workouts are designed by Coach George Dohner to build endurance and strength, helping the runners improve between each competition. Running seven miles, stretching, and showering all before first period can be daunting, but it serves as a bonding experience for the team. This bonding is incredibly important. As Co-Captain Aleena Fayaz says, “even though you run individually, it’s a team sport in the end”. The camaraderie between teammates is what makes the sport so fun and the workouts more bearable.
An example of a team bonding activity is the annual Pancake Race, when the runners are divided into teams (complete with costumes) and compete against each other in a friendly run. This year’s run occurred a few weeks ago, and groups chose themes such as Lifeguards and 4th of July, coordinating their outfits to win extra points.
After the race, the seniors went into the kitchen to make breakfast for the team, an old and beloved cross country tradition. As plates piled high with strawberries and freshly-flipped pancakes, parents and kids mingled, a chance to relax after a tough run.
The hard work of the runners has paid off. At their last meet, the Cooper Invitational, the JV Boys team finished second, while JV Girls and both Varsity teams won their divisions. The impressive results included personal bests and medals for many of the runners. The next cross country meet is the McNeil Invitational and will take place on Thursday, September 28 in Austin.